
So I understand that i need the dll, and i can’t make that!
Anyway when i compile testrotozoom i get:

int APIENTRY WinMain(HINSTANCE hInstance,
HINSTANCE hPrevInstance,
LPSTR lpCmdLine,
int nCmdShow)

273 testrotozoom.c
parse error before WinMain' 273 testrotozoom.c parse error beforehInstance’

and if i try to compile rotozoom.c i get (linker error):

c:\windows\desktop\sdl_gfx-2.0.3.tar\sdl_gfx-2.0.3\sdl_rotozoom.o: In function rotozoomSurface': //c/windows/desktop/sdl_gfx-2.0.3.tar/sdl_gfx-2.0.3/sdl_rotozoom.c:728: undefined reference toimp__zoomSurfaceSize’
_~1\LIB\libSDLmain.a(SDL_main.o): In function console_main': /home/hercules/release/SDL-1.2.5/src/main/SDL_main.c:227: undefined reference toSDL_main’

i think this is due to the missing dll, what should i do?