SDL lib MySQL friendly?


1/ Is this a MySQL lib designed to work with SDL, or it must be
absolutly independant, as many good librairies do the job.

2/ More generally, does a SDL librairy containing simple functions (
execute requests, get results, connect, disconnect ) exists for MySQL or
/and other DataBase Servers. ( sql server , oracle … )

Les HauSsebons wrote:

1/ Is this a MySQL lib designed to work with SDL, or it must be
absolutly independant, as many good librairies do the job.

They are absolutely independant.

2/ More generally, does a SDL librairy containing simple functions (
execute requests, get results, connect, disconnect ) exists for MySQL or
/and other DataBase Servers. ( sql server , oracle … )

No it doesn’t, and it probably never will. You can use MySQL API to use
it in SDL application, although I don’t see the point. SDL is used for
mulitmedia, MySQL is a database server… two very different things.–
Milan Babuskov

1/ Is this a MySQL lib designed to work with SDL, or it must be
absolutly independant, as many good librairies do the job.

2/ More generally, does a SDL librairy containing simple functions (
execute requests, get results, connect, disconnect ) exists for MySQL
/and other DataBase Servers. ( sql server , oracle … )

This must be one of the strangest posts I ever seen :slight_smile:

SDL is a video/windowing library. MySQL is a database. MySQL is not
"designed to work with SDL" because they have nothing to do with
each other; executing SQL queries has nothing to do with what SDL
does, so no, SDL doesn’t have such a function.

Ing. Gabriel Gambetta
ARTech - GeneXus Development Team
ggambett at

SDL is a library for doing multmedia applications, not for
accessing databases!

For that you are better off with the bindings for MySQL.
Or if you want something more portable among DBs,
just try something like ODBC.–
Paulo Pinto

Les HauSsebons wrote:


1/ Is this a MySQL lib designed to work with SDL, or it must be
absolutly independant, as many good librairies do the job.

2/ More generally, does a SDL librairy containing simple functions (
execute requests, get results, connect, disconnect ) exists for MySQL
or /and other DataBase Servers. ( sql server , oracle … )

SDL mailing list
SDL at

Gabriel Gambetta wrote:

1/ Is this a MySQL lib designed to work with SDL, or it must be
absolutly independant, as many good librairies do the job.

2/ More generally, does a SDL librairy containing simple functions (
execute requests, get results, connect, disconnect ) exists for MySQL


/and other DataBase Servers. ( sql server , oracle … )

This must be one of the strangest posts I ever seen :slight_smile:

Well, the original poster is probably thinking about the Shore Data
Language :

This has nothing to do with the Simple Directmedia Layer, and could
explain this funny post, hehe :slight_smile:


You could pull photos or videos from a MySQL server and then display them
in an SDL window! Or grab music and play it… I mean, c’mon! :^)

-bill!On Wed, May 05, 2004 at 07:54:53PM +0200, Milan Babuskov wrote:

No it doesn’t, and it probably never will. You can use MySQL API to use
it in SDL application, although I don’t see the point. SDL is used for
mulitmedia, MySQL is a database server… two very different things.

The poster could possibly be writing an MMORPG and needing to store lots
of data in a database for the server : )On Wed, 2004-05-05 at 13:26, Stephane Marchesin wrote:

Gabriel Gambetta wrote:

1/ Is this a MySQL lib designed to work with SDL, or it must be
absolutly independant, as many good librairies do the job.

2/ More generally, does a SDL librairy containing simple functions (
execute requests, get results, connect, disconnect ) exists for MySQL


/and other DataBase Servers. ( sql server , oracle … )

This must be one of the strangest posts I ever seen :slight_smile:

Well, the original poster is probably thinking about the Shore Data
Language :

This has nothing to do with the Simple Directmedia Layer, and could
explain this funny post, hehe :slight_smile:


SDL mailing list
SDL at

Well, the original poster is probably thinking about the Shore Data
Language :
This has nothing to do with the Simple Directmedia Layer, and could
explain this funny post, hehe :slight_smile:

Oooh, it makes sense now!

Ing. Gabriel Gambetta
ARTech - GeneXus Development Team
ggambett at

sorry for all this, I know that multimedia is different from databases :slight_smile:

I am writting a mmorpg as guessed someone in the thread.

I dont feel MUCH out of topic as it exists network functions and
librairies for sdl … and networking is not further than database access
from multimedia

Anyway, I was just wondering about this existence, and if not, I will go
on with MySQL++ =)

Wasn’t supposed to be a troll++

Gabriel Gambetta a dit :

Well, the original poster is probably thinking about the Shore Data
Language :
This has nothing to do with the Simple Directmedia Layer, and could
explain this funny post, hehe :slight_smile:

Oooh, it makes sense now!

Ing. Gabriel Gambetta
ARTech - GeneXus Development Team
ggambett at

SDL mailing list
SDL at


mysql and sdl are 2 independant libs.

you can use both of them together, but thats up to you to make them both
work, sdl isnt involved w/ mysql at all (:> ----- Original Message -----

From: (Les HauSsebons)
Sent: Wednesday, May 05, 2004 12:10 PM
Subject: RE: [SDL] SDL lib MySQL friendly ?

sorry for all this, I know that multimedia is different from databases :slight_smile:

I am writting a mmorpg as guessed someone in the thread.

I dont feel MUCH out of topic as it exists network functions and
librairies for sdl … and networking is not further than database access
from multimedia

Anyway, I was just wondering about this existence, and if not, I will go
on with MySQL++ =)

Wasn’t supposed to be a troll


Gabriel Gambetta a dit :

Well, the original poster is probably thinking about the Shore Data
Language :
This has nothing to do with the Simple Directmedia Layer, and could
explain this funny post, hehe :slight_smile:

Oooh, it makes sense now!

Ing. Gabriel Gambetta
ARTech - GeneXus Development Team
ggambett at

SDL mailing list
SDL at

SDL mailing list
SDL at

<—> Disclaimer: Ignore the attachment with RTF tags while I try to fix MS Exchange. <—>

I wasn’t too surprised by your original question. My first real game attempt was in Visual Basic. Instead of having structures of variables sitting around for various objects, I used tables and fields in a database. The access time was very nice and there was also a cool side effect: If I quit the game at any point (by any method), I exactly resume the game when I launch it again. If the game crashes, I have the game state sitting in a database. Now if my graphics card was better at the time I may have noticed a performance degradation from accessing the harddrive every frame :wink:

<—> Disclaimer: Ignore the attachment with RTF tags while I try to fix MS Exchange. <—>

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I suppose you want to use MySQL with SDL?

I am thinking about this myself to keep track of masses of data that -might-
need to be kept track of in a game project I am considering (strategy).

If you use the MySQL API, I can see no logical reason why it should not or
could not be used with SDL - they are indepenedant of each other, and as far
as I am aware there is zero possibility of one affecting the other.

Just read both of the docs for each respective API, and use them according to
that. You should have no problems - there is no “issue” regarding
compatibility, since the packages are two distinct entities with totally
different stuff each can do for you, totally independant of each other.


Stefan Viljoen
Software Support Technician
Polar Design Solutions