

i have a problem on Win32 that on when i “lock” a fullscreen
surface and unlock it afterwards, i don’t see anything.

Please let me describe the structure of my program first:

There’s one function to switch the video mode:

void chvid_mode(void) {
static void chvid_mode(void) {
screen = SDL_SetVideoMode(xwidth, yheight,
video_info->vfmt->BitsPerPixel, vmode);

if(screen == NULL) {
printf(“couldn’t get screen: %s\n”, SDL_GetError());
dst = screen;
sf_rect.x = 0;
sf_rect.y = 0;
sf_rect.w = dst->w;
sf_rect.h = dst->h;

Basically it switches to a mode described by some file-global
variables and sets some other data.

Then there’s the output function:

void output_cyclic(void) {

if(SDL_MUSTLOCK(screen)) {
// SDL_LockSurface(screen); // problem

// do all the output using SDL_BlitSurface()
srect.x = 0;
srect.y = 0;
srect.w = source_width;
srect.h = source_height;
drect.x = x;
drect.y = y;

SDL_BlitSurface(a_surface, &srect, dst, &drect);


if(SDL_MUSTLOCK(screen)) {
// SDL_UnlockSurface(screen); // problem

When i comment away the SDL_Lock… and SDL_Unlock…
everything is fine. With them there’s just a black

I played around with some other options and with/without
SDL_DOUBLEBUF and SDL_Flip(), but the way above was the
only one that worked.

I don’t know why i need to comment those functions out.

Can anybody please explain this to me?

I use SDL version 1.2.9. The problem happens on Win32.
On Linux SDL_MUSTLOCK() is never true, so the code is not

Best regards,

Torsten Mohr wrote:

When i comment away the SDL_Lock… and SDL_Unlock…
everything is fine. With them there’s just a black

I played around with some other options and with/without
SDL_DOUBLEBUF and SDL_Flip(), but the way above was the
only one that worked.

I don’t know why i need to comment those functions out.

what makes you think you have to lock the screen surface in the first
place? locking is only needed to get direct access to the pixel data on
hardware surfaces. IIRC it is even explicitly forbidden to blit to/from
a locked surface.

best regards …