SDL_Mixer - Mix_LoadMUS returns null by .ogg file

I get a null pointer and the message

Unrecognized music format
if I try to load another format as .wav. Am I doing anything wrong?

I initialize SDL_Mixer with


if (Mix_OpenAudio(22050, MIX_DEFAULT_FORMAT, 2, 4096) == -1) {
throw new Exception("Cannot open SDL Audio: " ~ to!(string)(Mix_GetError()));

I’m sure that the file that I’m trying to load exists.

Did you do this first?

throw new Exception(…);

And make sure you have the ogg/vorbis dynamic libraries in your app
directory.On Mon, Jan 14, 2013 at 9:49 AM, NSpace wrote:

I get a null pointer and the message


Unrecognized music format

if I try to load another format as .wav. Am I doing anything wrong?

I initialize SDL_Mixer with


if (Mix_OpenAudio(22050, MIX_DEFAULT_FORMAT, 2, 4096) == -1) {
throw new Exception("Cannot open SDL Audio: " ~

I’m sure that the file that I’m trying to load exists.

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Mike Parker

Michael Parker wrote:

Did you do this first?

? ? throw new Exception(…);

And make sure you have the ogg/vorbis dynamic libraries in your app directory.

  I get a null pointer and the message 


Unrecognized music format

if I try to load another format as .wav. Am I doing anything wrong?

I initialize SDL_Mixer with


if (Mix_OpenAudio(22050, MIX_DEFAULT_FORMAT, 2, 4096) == -1) {
? ?throw new Exception("Cannot open SDL Audio: " ~ to!(string)(Mix_GetError()));?

I’m sure that the file that I’m trying to load exists.

SDL mailing list
SDL at (SDL at (

Mike Parker

Yes I did, then I get the exception. That was the reason why I downloaded SDL_mixer again, but now I’m getting the missing ogg error.> On Mon, Jan 14, 2013 at 9:49 AM, NSpace <@NSpace (@NSpace)> wrote:

I cloned again SDL_mixer and saw that in the VisualC directory all needed files exists.
But I cannot use the project files with VS2010. What’s the problem? Should I use VS2008?