SDL News (May 10, 2001)

I just got married, Woohoo! :slight_smile:
Today I had a chance to catch up on the myriad developments using SDL.
Here’s what’s new on the SDL website:

  • Sn**p*/SDL, a generic white dog fights the Red Baron in aerial combat,
    has been added to the games page.
  • SDL_gfxPrimitives, a graphics primitive toolkit for SDL, has been added
    to the libraries page.
  • SDLmm, a C++ class-based wrapper for SDL written by David Hedbor, has
    been added to the libraries page.
  • Crimson Fields, a BattleIsle-like turn-based tactical game, has been added
    to the games page.
  • SolarWolf, an action/arcade game written by Pete Shinners entirely in
    Python, has been added to the games page.
  • MPlayer, an MPEG player supporting DivX/VCD/DVD/MPEG1/MPEG2, has been
    added to the applications page.
  • Brian Wang has written a binding for SDL to PHP.
  • There are two new bindings to the Ruby language available:
  • Demeter, a nice OpenGL terrain rendering engine, has been added to the
    library page.
  • Jerome Fillon has written a binding for SDL to the Java Language.

Lauren and I will be on honeymoon next week, and the week after will
be busy, but things should be relaxed again in a couple of weeks. :slight_smile:

-Sam Lantinga, Lead Programmer, Loki Software, Inc.

Congratulations. Have a great honeymoon

btw, my dga problem is now resolved. thank youOn 10 May 2001 19:06:23 -0700, Sam Lantinga wrote:

I just got married, Woohoo! :slight_smile:

Hi, Sam,

I’m sure you had a happy wedding & honey moon trip;)

Well, the attachment is my revised SDL_net codes for Mac.
It works asynchronously.
The code is REALLY ugly, I know…
First I cut’n’pasted GUSI code, tried and tried, with no success, then put
OTLook to poll for
Open Transport events, and at last it worked somehow…

The Chat program included the SDL_net package worked; so, TCP and UDP
should work right.
I could not test extensively though…and I’m sorry for that.

Anyway this is what I could do after almost half a year… and now that
MacOS X is to be pre-installed,
I guess I should show you what I’ve achieved so far, and hopefully you
could utilize the codes…

Well, I wish I could’ve done much better. Hope this helps you.

See you
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masahiro minami <@Masahiro_Minami>

PowerBook G4/400
PowerMac G3/233
MacOS 9.1–MacOS X Public Beta—LinuxPPC
(Eudora 4.3.2J)
exception handling :

Hi, Sam,

I’m sure you had a happy wedding & honey moon trip;)

Yep, I sure did.

Well, the attachment is my revised SDL_net codes for Mac.
The code is REALLY ugly, I know…
First I cut’n’pasted GUSI code, tried and tried, with no success, then put
OTLook to poll for
Open Transport events, and at last it worked somehow…

I merged in your code, added a few bug fixes, and now it works with
Maelstrom too. :slight_smile:

In a day or two I will be releasing the new version of Maelstrom with
MacOS and MacOS X support, along with the new SDL_net library.

-Sam Lantinga, Lead Programmer, Loki Software, Inc.