SDL works slowly

Hi. I’ve got problem with SDL. I don’t know why SDL works so slowly :(.
I don’t know what i did, but before it worked better. I downloaded game
’Supertux’. When i run it with option --sdl i’ve got about 15 FPS, with --opengl
i’ve got about 90.

I’m Slackware user, i’ve got SDL from *tgz packages. Should i compile it myself?
Witch ./configure options shuld i use?

I had the same problem for some time, though with my own programs. They
ran perfectly fine using GLUT but were horribly slow using SDL. The
cure: I added the calls glFlush(); and glFinish(); to my code before
calling SDL_GL_SwapBuffers();. Miraculous recovery. I don’t know why it
works, because SDL supposedly calls those functions internally, though I
haven’t looked at the code. So if you can go into the game’s source code
and look at the main display loop, try adding those commands in the
right place and recompiling.

Hi. I’ve got problem with SDL. I don’t know why SDL works so slowly :(.
I don’t know what i did, but before it worked better. I downloaded game
’Supertux’. When i run it with option --sdl i’ve got about 15 FPS,
with --opengl
i’ve got about 90.

I had the same problem for some time, though with my own programs.
They ran perfectly fine using GLUT but were horribly slow using SDL.
The cure: I added the calls glFlush(); and glFinish(); to my code
before calling SDL_GL_SwapBuffers();. Miraculous recovery. I don’t
know why it works, because SDL supposedly calls those functions
internally, though I haven’t looked at the code. So if you can go into
the game’s source code and look at the main display loop, try adding
those commands in the right place and recompiling.

These don’t sound like the same problems at all Duncan. Gogiel is
simply experiencing the difference between OpenGL accelerated 2D
rendering engine, and an unaccelerated 2D rendering engine.On Aug 18, 2004, at 12:47 PM, Gogiel wrote:
On Aug 18, 2004, at 4:09 PM, Duncan Domingue wrote:

These don’t sound like the same problems at all Duncan. Gogiel is
simply experiencing the difference between OpenGL accelerated 2D
rendering engine, and an unaccelerated 2D rendering engine.

Ahh, I did not know that it was a 2D engine. I never had a problem with
SDL’s speed when handling 2D graphics. But he did say SDL and OpenGL and
I incorrectly assumed he was using GLUT or some other OpenGL library.