SDL2.0.6 Stuttering Problem

Hello! I’m trying to make my game loop by following this article: Here’s what my code looks like:

const bool Window::run() {
  SDL_Event event;

  float current_time = SDL_GetTicks() / 1000.0f;
  float accumulator = 0.0f;
  float tick_rate = 1.0f / 60.0f;      

  while (true) {
    const float new_time = SDL_GetTicks() / 1000.0f;
    float frame_time = new_time - current_time;

    if (frame_time > 0.25)
      frame_time = 0.25;

    current_time = new_time;
    accumulator += frame_time;

    while (SDL_PollEvent(&event)) {
      if (event.type == SDL_QUIT)
        return false;

    // Update things at the specified tick rate
    while (accumulator >= tick_rate) {
      player.update(event, tick_rate)
      accumulator -= tick_rate;

    const float alpha = accumulator / tick_rate;

  return true;

In my update and draw functions, I have this:

const void Player::update(SDL_Event& event, const float& tick_rate) {
  prev_dest_rect = curr_dest_rect;    // Both of these are SDL_Rect objects

  // Look for input and move sprite here

const void Player::draw(const float& alpha) {
    const int interp_x = static_cast<int>(((float)curr_dest_rect.x * alpha + (float)prev_dest_rect.x * (1.0f - alpha)) + 0.5f);
    const int interp_y = static_cast<int>(((float)curr_dest_rect.y * alpha + (float)prev_dest_rect.y * (1.0f - alpha)) + 0.5f);
    const SDL_Rect draw_rect = { interp_x, interp_y, curr_dest_rect.w, curr_dest_rect.h };

    SDL_RenderCopy(renderer, texture, &source_rect, &draw_rect);

This almost seems to work. However, I can see the sprite stutter at times (like it missed a draw call) and the sprite moves around like there is a bit of motion blur. How can I achieve smooth movement? I think I did everything correctly as mentioned in the article linked. Any help would be appreciated! Thank you.

The code does look correct. Is this specific to SDL 2.0.6 that you mention the version?

There are multiple things that could be responsible for what you are seeing. Here are few points you have to consider:

  • Event handling may take some time. Depending on how you do things in your application, it may be more desirable to measure the time after event processing. Though this shouldn’t have a big effect on the whole animation.
  • When vsync is enabled, the SDL_RenderPresent function (or, with some drivers, the first drawing function after SDL_RenderPresent) usually blocks until the buffers can be swapped. This means that it may display a frame that was drawn with the player position of a few milliseconds ago, depending on how quick the update and draw phases were. It’s possible to approximate vsync intervals to get more accurate time stamps, but this can cause issues for users whit unexpected configurations. One proper solution is triple buffering, but graphics drivers don’t always expose that option.
  • When the SDL_GetTicks function gets to 8388608, the float type will not be able to store the time with full precision anymore. This makes the animation choppier the longer the application runs. Consider using the double type. You could then also use the high-precision counters available with SDL_GetPerformanceCounter and SDL_GetPerformanceFrequency to get microsecond precision.
  • The blur may come from your display. Many of the LCD displays have a reaction time in the millisecond range to change from one color to another. A moving sprite on a black background makes this noticeable.
  • As always, there could be something graphics driver specific or some other application or the operating system could delay the frame.

I’ve thrown a little program together that shows a bouncing square with a frame time graph. Maybe this helps you to spot an issue.

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <deque>
#include <cmath>
#include <algorithm>
#include <vector>

#include "SDL.h"


class Player {

	void update(const double tick_rate);
	void draw(SDL_Renderer * renderer, const double alpha, int width, int height);

	double x, y, px, py, vx, vy, ax, ay;

struct FrameTime {
	double full, event, update, clear, draw, swap;

class Window {

	void init();
	void quit();

	void run();
	void drawgraph();
	void settitle();

	void clear();
	void swap();

	SDL_Window * handle;
	SDL_Renderer * renderer;
	int width, height;
	bool pause;
	bool interpolate;
	bool highprecision;
	bool randomdelay;
	bool biggraph;
	bool showfullline;
	bool showeventline;
	bool showupdateline;
	bool showclearline;
	bool showdrawline;
	bool showswapline;
	Player player;

	std::deque<FrameTime> frametime;
	std::vector<SDL_Point> full_line;
	std::vector<SDL_Point> event_line;
	std::vector<SDL_Point> update_line;
	std::vector<SDL_Point> clear_line;
	std::vector<SDL_Point> draw_line;
	std::vector<SDL_Point> swap_line;

static Uint32 xstate = 905309021;
static Uint32 xorshift() {
	xstate ^= xstate << 13;
	xstate ^= xstate >> 17;
	xstate ^= xstate << 5;
	return xstate;

Player::Player() : x(0.1), y(0.9), vx(0.35), vy(0), ax(0), ay(-0.5)

void Player::update(const double tick_rate) {
	px = x;
	py = y;

	vx += ax * tick_rate;
	vy += ay * tick_rate;

	x += vx * tick_rate;
	y += vy * tick_rate;

	if (x < 0 || x > 1) {
		x = x < 0 ? -x : x - (x - 1);
		vx = -vx;
	if (y < 0 || y > 1) {
		y = y < 0 ? -y : y - (y - 1);
		vy = -vy;

void Player::draw(SDL_Renderer * renderer, const double alpha, int width, int height) {
	const double interp_x = x * alpha + px * (1.0 - alpha);
	const double interp_y =  1 - (y * alpha + py * (1.0 - alpha));
	const int int_x = static_cast<int>(floor(interp_x * (width - 20) + 0.5));
	const int int_y = static_cast<int>(floor(interp_y * (height - 20) + 0.5));
	const SDL_Rect draw_rect = {int_x, int_y, 20, 20};

	SDL_SetRenderDrawColor(renderer, 255, 255, 0, 255);
	SDL_RenderFillRect(renderer, &draw_rect);

Window::Window() : handle(0), renderer(0), pause(false), interpolate(true), highprecision(false), randomdelay(false), biggraph(false),
	showfullline(true), showeventline(true), showupdateline(true), showclearline(true), showdrawline(true), showswapline(true),
	full_line(FRAMETIME_COUNT), event_line(FRAMETIME_COUNT), update_line(FRAMETIME_COUNT), clear_line(FRAMETIME_COUNT), draw_line(FRAMETIME_COUNT), swap_line(FRAMETIME_COUNT)

void Window::init() {
		throw "Could not init SDL";

	if (!handle)
		throw "Could not create window";

	renderer = SDL_CreateRenderer(handle, -1, 0);
	if (!renderer)
		throw "Could not create renderer";

	SDL_GetWindowSize(handle, &width, &height);
	SDL_SetRenderDrawBlendMode(renderer, SDL_BLENDMODE_BLEND);



void Window::quit() {
	if (renderer)
	if (handle)

void Window::drawgraph() {
	double graph_x_step = width / (double)(FRAMETIME_COUNT - 1);
	int graph_height = biggraph ? height : (int)floor(std::max(height * 0.15, 10.));
	int graph_top_y = height - graph_height;
	int graph_mid_y = height - graph_height / 2;

	SDL_SetRenderDrawColor(renderer, 255, 255, 255, 100);
	SDL_Rect bg = {0, graph_top_y, width, graph_height};
	SDL_RenderFillRect(renderer, &bg);
	SDL_SetRenderDrawColor(renderer, 180, 180, 180, 200);
	SDL_RenderDrawLine(renderer, 0, graph_top_y, width, graph_top_y);
	SDL_SetRenderDrawColor(renderer, 100, 100, 220, 200);
	SDL_RenderDrawLine(renderer, 0, graph_mid_y, width, graph_mid_y);

#define TRANSFORM_X(I) ((int)floor((I) * graph_x_step + 0.5))
#define TRANSFORM_Y(S) (height - 1 - (int)floor(((S) / (1. / 60. * 2)) * graph_height + 0.5))

	size_t samplecount = frametime.size();
	if (samplecount < 2)

	for (size_t i = 0; i < samplecount; i++) {
		FrameTime & times =;

		full_line[i].x = TRANSFORM_X(i);
		event_line[i].x = full_line[i].x;
		update_line[i].x = full_line[i].x;
		clear_line[i].x = full_line[i].x;
		draw_line[i].x = full_line[i].x;
		swap_line[i].x = full_line[i].x;

		full_line[i].y = TRANSFORM_Y(times.full);

		double s = times.swap;
		swap_line[i].y = TRANSFORM_Y(s);
		s += times.draw;
		draw_line[i].y = TRANSFORM_Y(s);
		if (swap_line[i].y == draw_line[i].y)
		s += times.clear;
		clear_line[i].y = TRANSFORM_Y(s);
		if (draw_line[i].y == clear_line[i].y)
		s += times.update;
		update_line[i].y = TRANSFORM_Y(s);
		if (clear_line[i].y == update_line[i].y)
		s += times.event;
		event_line[i].y = TRANSFORM_Y(s);
		if (update_line[i].y == event_line[i].y)

	if (biggraph) {
		if (showeventline) {
			SDL_SetRenderDrawColor(renderer, 255, 102, 255, 200);
			SDL_RenderDrawLines(renderer,, (int)samplecount);
		if (showupdateline) {
			SDL_SetRenderDrawColor(renderer, 255, 255, 255, 200);
			SDL_RenderDrawLines(renderer,, (int)samplecount);
		if (showclearline) {
			SDL_SetRenderDrawColor(renderer, 255, 255, 0, 200);
			SDL_RenderDrawLines(renderer,, (int)samplecount);
		if (showdrawline) {
			SDL_SetRenderDrawColor(renderer, 200, 200, 255, 200);
			SDL_RenderDrawLines(renderer,, (int)samplecount);

	if (showswapline) {
		SDL_SetRenderDrawColor(renderer, 255, 0, 0, 200);
		SDL_RenderDrawLines(renderer,, (int)samplecount);
	if (showfullline) {
		SDL_SetRenderDrawColor(renderer, 0, 255, 0, 200);
		SDL_RenderDrawLines(renderer,, (int)samplecount);

void Window::clear() {
	SDL_SetRenderDrawColor(renderer, 0, 0, 0, 0);

void Window::swap() {

void Window::settitle() {
	static std::string title(128, 0);

	SDL_RendererInfo info;
	SDL_GetRendererInfo(renderer, &info);
	title.append(interpolate ? ", interpolating position" : ", not interpolating");
	title.append(highprecision ? ", microsec counter" : ", millisec counter");
	if (randomdelay)
		title.append(", random delay");

	SDL_SetWindowTitle(handle, title.c_str());

static double Timer(bool highprecision) {
	if (highprecision) {
		static double period = 1. / SDL_GetPerformanceFrequency();
		return SDL_GetPerformanceCounter() * period;
	return SDL_GetTicks() / 1000.0;

void Window::run() {
	SDL_Event e;
	FrameTime ft;

	int run = 1;

	double time_last_event = Timer(highprecision);
	double accumulator = 0.0;
	double tick_rate = 1.0 / 60.0;

	while (run) {
		double time_frame_start = Timer(highprecision);

		while (SDL_PollEvent(&e)) {
			if (e.type == SDL_QUIT) {
				run = 0;
			} else if (e.type == SDL_KEYUP) {
				Uint32 sym = e.key.keysym.sym;
				if (sym == SDLK_ESCAPE) {
					run = 0;
				} else if (sym == SDLK_SPACE) {
					pause = !pause;
				} else if (sym == SDLK_1) {
					showfullline = !showfullline;
				} else if (sym == SDLK_2) {
					showeventline = !showeventline;
				} else if (sym == SDLK_3) {
					showupdateline = !showupdateline;
				} else if (sym == SDLK_4) {
					showclearline = !showclearline;
				} else if (sym == SDLK_5) {
					showdrawline = !showdrawline;
				} else if (sym == SDLK_6) {
					showswapline = !showswapline;
				} else if (sym == SDLK_i) {
					interpolate = !interpolate;
				} else if (sym == SDLK_p) {
					highprecision = !highprecision;
					double difference = Timer(highprecision) - Timer(!highprecision);
					time_frame_start += difference;
					time_last_event += difference;
				} else if (sym == SDLK_r) {
					randomdelay = !randomdelay;
				} else if (sym == SDLK_b) {
					biggraph = !biggraph;
			} else if (e.type == SDL_WINDOWEVENT) {
				if (e.window.event == SDL_WINDOWEVENT_RESIZED || e.window.event == SDL_WINDOWEVENT_SIZE_CHANGED) {
					width = e.window.data1;
					height = e.window.data2;

		const double time_event = Timer(highprecision);
		double last_frame_time = time_event - time_last_event;
		time_last_event = time_event;

		if (!pause) {
			if (last_frame_time > 0.25)
				last_frame_time = 0.25;

			accumulator += last_frame_time;

			while (accumulator >= tick_rate) {
				accumulator -= tick_rate;

		const double alpha = accumulator / tick_rate;

		if (randomdelay) {
			double delay_end = Timer(highprecision) + (xorshift() % 16 + 5) / 1000.;
			while (delay_end >= Timer(highprecision)) {

		const double time_update = Timer(highprecision);


		const double time_clear = Timer(highprecision);

		player.draw(renderer, interpolate ? alpha : 1, width, height);

		const double time_draw = Timer(highprecision);


		const double time_swap = Timer(highprecision);

		if (pause)

		ft.full = time_swap - time_frame_start;
		ft.event = time_event - time_frame_start;
		ft.update = time_update - time_event;
		ft.clear = time_clear - time_update;
		ft.draw = time_draw - time_clear;
		ft.swap = time_swap - time_draw;

		if (frametime.size() >= FRAMETIME_COUNT)

int main(int argc, char * argv[]) {
	Uint64 t = SDL_GetPerformanceCounter();
	xstate = (Uint32)(t | (t >> 32));

	Window window;

	try {
	} catch(const char * msg) {
		std::cout << msg << std::endl;
	} catch(...) {
		std::cout << "Unexpected exception" << std::endl;


	return 0;

The graph shows full frame time (green) and SDL_RenderPresent time (red). The horizontal blue line is the 1/60 millisecond mark. You’d expect the green line to be near that if vsync is enabled and the frefresh rate is at 60 Hz. Additionally, in its big version (toggle by pressing B), the graph shows event time (pink), update time (white), clear time (yellow), draw time (light blue). Red, pink, white, yellow, and light blue are stacked on top of each other and add up to the green line.

Other controls:

  • Space: Toggle pause
  • 1: Toggle frame graph line
  • 2: Toggle event graph line
  • 3: Toggle update graph line
  • 4: Toggle clear graph line
  • 5: Toggle draw graph line
  • 6: Toggle swap graph line
  • i: Toggle interpolation of square (like your sample code does)
  • r: Add random delay after updating square position
  • p: Toggle between millisecond and microsecond counters
  • b: Toggle graph size
  • Escape: Quit

Try setting the environment variable SDL_RENDER_VSYNC to 1 to force vsync on. You can also try the other renderers with the environment variable SDL_RENDER_DRIVER. Possible values are: opengl, opengles, opengles2, direct3d, direct3d11, software. (Depends on the platform and if SDL was built with that renderer enabled.)


@mos Your event handling is incorrect. If there is more than one event in the queue, only the last one is passed to player.update(). If the last event is not the one that control movement, then your sprite doesn’t move in this frame and you see it stutter.

Thank you for the replies!

@ChliHug This is my first time using SDL, so it’s the only version I have, not sure if it’s specific to this version. I tried running your program, but I get a vector subscript out of range error half a second after startup. I tried debugging to find where it was happening, but was unable to. I turned on VSYNC and the stutter is almost not noticeable (though every 20-30 seconds or so, I see it for like a second but the interpolation code doesn’t make it look like the sprite is jumping around to catch up). I’ll try changing to double and the other two SDL functions to see if it makes any difference. Thank you for all the information!

@es5804 I don’t know where to move the event handling code. I tried moving it before I do my timing and I tried moving it inside the inner while loop before the update() call. But both times, I still see the stutter.

Oops. There were off-by-one bugs. I corrected the code.

I expected it to get worse with vsync, but that’s a pleasant surprise. I don’t think I have enough experience to say what else could be wrong without looking at the code and the system itself.

Thank you very much for making that program! I actually see a lot of spikes in the graph no matter what settings I enable or disable. Does that mean something wrong with my system (I’m assuming you don’t see the same thing)?

It’s hard to say what causes it. At least for me.

Here’s what the program looks like over here:

< Without vsync – With vsync >

It’s a low-end integrated Intel card, that’s why it takes so much time in the left picture. On the right you can see how it is fairly close to the 1/60 millisecond line. If I start generating events it starts to wiggle a little and there are obvious spikes if the OS or other applications use the graphics card.

To handle events correctly you need to separate player.update() in two functions:

  • one that handle events, inside while(SDL_PollEvent(&event)) loop;
  • and the other that handle logic/physics, inside while (accumulator >= tick_rate) loop.

Or you could use SDL_GetKeyboardState() and SDL_GetMouseState() instead of events.

Thanks for the help ChliHug and es5804! I was able to understand a lot more on what was going on thanks to the frametime program. I also noticed a huge reduction of the spikes by usng SDL_GetKeyboardState().

This was really helpful!