whats wrong ???
i setting up devCpp mingw32
i download SDL2 2.0.09…
dir: sdl2/…include
lib: sdl/…lib
linker -lmingw32 -lSDL_main -lSDL2
Sdl2.dll in same folder like the main.c
but than … linker error
whats wrong ???
i setting up devCpp mingw32
i download SDL2 2.0.09…
dir: sdl2/…include
lib: sdl/…lib
linker -lmingw32 -lSDL_main -lSDL2
Sdl2.dll in same folder like the main.c
but than … linker error
An frind of us fix me the same error
on my “new” old WindowsXp Laptop via cmd But He was too fast typing
-t -r unpackt mingw and so on
… i dont know how He has make it
do you know the following concepts?
if you want to solve this yourself and any future problems, you need to learn these concepts, I can briefly explain them or find proper tutorials online.
if you just want it to “work”, then send your project files
fix it:
→ it was “-lSDL2main” and not “-lSDL2_main”
→ and i use the wrong sdl2.dll in my main.c folder
→ On win10 first i make the mistake with 32bit (i686/sdl2/include and lib)
→ not #include <SDL2/SDL2.h
→ its #include <SDL2/SDL.h
now with 64bit version (x86_64…/sdl2 include and lib + linker) all works fine