Hi all,
After initializing SDL (INIT_EVERYTHING), setting my OpenGL version, creating a window (with WINDOW_OPENGL), creating a GLContext (and making it current), initializing GL, creating a renderer (with RENDERER_ACCELERATED), loading a font into a surface (with img.LoadPNGRW) and creating a texture from the font surface, I call font.GLBind(&width, &height) (which go-sdl2 binds to SDL_GL_BindTexture in C).
Everything works fine until that last step, which causes a panic (exception) with the message “That operation is not supported”, and I have no idea why. I can render filled rectangles, etc. just fine; it’s specifically the texture that appears to be the issue. I’ve tried various versions of OpenGL and searched everywhere for an answer to no avail.
I’m cross-compiling from Manjaro Linux to Windows 10.
Thanks for any insight.