Shifted keys, i.e. 'a' vs. 'A'

I’m writing a user interface in rubysdl, and things have been going along
pretty smoothly. I was wondering if there is a way to get the ASCII code of an
aggregate key event, for example shift+‘a’ to get ‘A’. I know sdl is more for
raw input and game development, but is there a way to get this? I don’t want
to keep track of the shift state if I can help it, because that opens up a new
can of worms with alphabetic and non-alphabetic shifted values.

Thanks for sdl and rubysdl!

In C, it’s
SDL_EnableUNICODE (1); in your init stuff
Then use the `unicode’ field in the keysym.
I don’t know how that translates to ruby, but it should be helpful :slight_smile:

– JoshOn 3/12/06, Mike Austin <mike_ekim at> wrote:

I’m writing a user interface in rubysdl, and things have been going along
pretty smoothly. I was wondering if there is a way to get the ASCII code of an
aggregate key event, for example shift+‘a’ to get ‘A’. I know sdl is more for
raw input and game development, but is there a way to get this? I don’t want
to keep track of the shift state if I can help it, because that opens up a new
can of worms with alphabetic and non-alphabetic shifted values.

Joshua Oreman wrote:> On 3/12/06, Mike Austin <@Mike_Austin> wrote:

I’m writing a user interface in rubysdl, and things have been going along
pretty smoothly. I was wondering if there is a way to get the ASCII code of an
aggregate key event, for example shift+‘a’ to get ‘A’. I know sdl is more for
raw input and game development, but is there a way to get this? I don’t want
to keep track of the shift state if I can help it, because that opens up a new
can of worms with alphabetic and non-alphabetic shifted values.

In C, it’s
SDL_EnableUNICODE (1); in your init stuff
Then use the `unicode’ field in the keysym.
I don’t know how that translates to ruby, but it should be helpful :slight_smile:

– Josh

That works, great! But I guess the number pad is a different issue, as it
doesn’t produce unicode. Hmmm.


True enough. Another option is to do the conversions yourself:On 3/13/06, Mike Austin <mike_ekim at> wrote:

That works, great! But I guess the number pad is a different issue, as it
doesn’t produce unicode. Hmmm.

int get_char(SDL_keysym sym)
int c;

   // Do not want the modifier keys by themselves
   if (sym.sym >= SDLK_NUMLOCK && sym.sym <= SDLK_COMPOSE) {
           return (0);

   c = sym.sym;

   if ((sym.mod & KMOD_LSHIFT) || (sym.mod & KMOD_RSHIFT)
       || (sym.mod & KMOD_CAPS)) {

           // Get upper case
           if (c >= SDLK_a && c <= SDLK_z) {
                   c = c - 32;
           } else if (c == SDLK_BACKQUOTE) {
                   c = '~';
           } else if (c == SDLK_1) {
                   c = SDLK_EXCLAIM;
           } else if (c == SDLK_2) {
                   c = SDLK_AT;
           } else if (c == SDLK_3) {
                   c = SDLK_HASH;
           } else if (c == SDLK_4) {
                   c = SDLK_DOLLAR;
           } else if (c == SDLK_5) {
                   c = '%';
           } else if (c == SDLK_6) {
                   c = SDLK_CARET;
           } else if (c == SDLK_7) {
                   c = SDLK_AMPERSAND;
           } else if (c == SDLK_8) {
                   c = SDLK_ASTERISK;
           } else if (c == SDLK_9) {
                   c = SDLK_LEFTPAREN;
           } else if (c == SDLK_0) {
                   c = SDLK_RIGHTPAREN;
           } else if (c == SDLK_MINUS) {
                   c = SDLK_UNDERSCORE;
           } else if (c == SDLK_EQUALS) {
                   c = SDLK_PLUS;
           } else if (c == SDLK_LEFTBRACKET) {
                   c = '{';
           } else if (c == SDLK_RIGHTBRACKET) {
                   c = '}';
           } else if (c == SDLK_SEMICOLON) {
                   c = SDLK_COLON;
           } else if (c == SDLK_QUOTE) {
                   c = SDLK_QUOTEDBL;
           } else if (c == SDLK_COMMA) {
                   c = SDLK_LESS;
           } else if (c == SDLK_PERIOD) {
                   c = SDLK_GREATER;
           } else if (c == SDLK_SLASH) {
                   c = SDLK_QUESTION;
           } else if (c == SDLK_BACKSLASH) {
                   c = '|';
   // control keys
   if ((sym.mod & KMOD_LCTRL) || (sym.mod & KMOD_RCTRL)) {
           if (c >= SDLK_a && c <= SDLK_z) {
                   c = c - 96;
   // numeric key pad
   if (c == SDLK_KP_DIVIDE) {
           c = SDLK_SLASH;
   } else if (c == SDLK_KP_MULTIPLY) {
           c = SDLK_ASTERISK;
   } else if (c == SDLK_KP_MINUS) {
           c = SDLK_MINUS;
   } else if (c == SDLK_KP_PLUS) {
           c = SDLK_PLUS;
   } else if (c == SDLK_KP_ENTER) {
           c = SDLK_RETURN;

   if (sym.mod & KMOD_NUM) {
           if (c == SDLK_KP0) {
                   c = SDLK_0;
           } else if (c == SDLK_KP1) {
                   c = SDLK_1;
           } else if (c == SDLK_KP2) {
                   c = SDLK_2;
           } else if (c == SDLK_KP3) {
                   c = SDLK_3;
           } else if (c == SDLK_KP4) {
                   c = SDLK_4;
           } else if (c == SDLK_KP5) {
                   c = SDLK_5;
           } else if (c == SDLK_KP6) {
                   c = SDLK_6;
           } else if (c == SDLK_KP7) {
                   c = SDLK_7;
           } else if (c == SDLK_KP8) {
                   c = SDLK_8;
           } else if (c == SDLK_KP9) {
                   c = SDLK_9;
           } else if (c == SDLK_KP_PERIOD) {
                   c = SDLK_PERIOD;
   } else {
           if (c == SDLK_KP0) {
                   c = SDLK_INSERT;
           } else if (c == SDLK_KP1) {
                   c = SDLK_END;
           } else if (c == SDLK_KP2) {
                   c = SDLK_DOWN;
           } else if (c == SDLK_KP3) {
                   c = SDLK_PAGEDOWN;
           } else if (c == SDLK_KP4) {
                   c = SDLK_LEFT;
           } else if (c == SDLK_KP5) {
                   c = 0;
           } else if (c == SDLK_KP6) {
                   c = SDLK_RIGHT;
           } else if (c == SDLK_KP7) {
                   c = SDLK_HOME;
           } else if (c == SDLK_KP8) {
                   c = SDLK_UP;
           } else if (c == SDLK_KP9) {
                   c = SDLK_PAGEUP;
           } else if (c == SDLK_KP_PERIOD) {
                   c = SDLK_DELETE;

   return (c);


E-Mail: Chris Nystrom
AIM: nystromchris