Strange behavious in fullscreen, under Windows, with SDL_Delay()

With the following code, in window mode, there’s no problem (the windows is
white for some seconds, then yellow for some).

In fullscreen mode (under Linux it works, and there no way to get hardware
surfaces…), instead, the screen becomes white again after a second about.
The “nice” thing is that with page flipping it works.

If I change the last SDL_Delay() with a loop where I poll for events, it
works. If I change with an empty loop, it doesn’t work.
So, do I just have SDL to continuosly have a function called for working
correctly, or what?

It also works if I just put everything into a loop. So, I must think that
SDL need a continuos call od functions…?

This is the code:
#include <SDL.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

int main( int argc, char *argv[] )
SDL_Surface *screen;
SDL_Color colors[256];
int i;


screen = SDL_SetVideoMode( 800, 600, 8, SDL_HWPALETTE

for( i = 0; i < 256; i++ ) {
colors[i].r = 255;
colors[i].g = 255;
colors[i].b = 255;
SDL_SetColors( screen, colors, 0, 256 );

i = rand() % 256;

SDL_FillRect( screen, NULL, i );

//SDL_UpdateRect( screen, 0, 0, 0, 0 );
SDL_Flip( screen );

SDL_Delay( 4000 );

colors[i].r = 255;
colors[i].g = 255;
colors[i].b = 0;
SDL_SetColors( screen, &colors[ i ], i, 1 );

//SDL_FillRect( screen, NULL, i );
//SDL_UpdateRect( screen, 0, 0, 0, 0 );

SDL_Delay( 8000 );

/*bool done = 0;
SDL_Event event;
while ( !done ) {
if ( event.type == SDL_QUIT )
done = 1;

    if ( event.type == SDL_KEYDOWN )

switch( event.key.keysym.sym ) {

done = 1;


return 0;

…same happened to me…
at first there was a strange white flicker … and now finally as i added
"keyboard support"
it flew away…woooosh

Sorry Sam… ;-(

Greetings ,

If I change the last SDL_Delay() with a loop where I poll for events, it
works. If I change with an empty loop, it doesn’t work.
So, do I just have SDL to continuosly have a function called for working
correctly, or what?

I can’t test it (no windows) but it seems that DirectX palette changes
doesn’t take effect until an event is received. I’m not sure why this
is done that way (Sam?) but I don’t think it’s a problem in practice,
since you usually check events in your event loop not very long after
calling SetColors() or SetPalette() anyway.

You could probably call PumpEvents to get the effect immediately in fact.

this should be documented as soon as I get a clear explanation :slight_smile: