Supertux and beos joysticks

Brendan said:

So far your I really like your game =) I compiled it for Beos
with no trouble at all. The joystick stuff works also but not as expected.
I think under beos the button numbers are different. One thing I noticed
was that I had to change some of the defines for the joysticks to get
it to work with the correct buttons (I am using a gamepad pro)
Another thing is if I press up it makes Tux duck down so I think up and
down are reversed. Left and right work just fine.
Cool game, keep up the good work!

Hi Brendan, thanks for the message. I’m glad you like the game.
Unfortunately, I dunno what to say… :slight_smile: So, I’m Cc’ing the SDL mailing

Sam, et. al…

Is this something I should actually worry about? Or is it just a bug
in the BeOS joystick code? I’m assuming that -/+ values would mean the
same for left/right and up/down on different architectures. Is this
a bad assumption?


Brendan said:

So far your I really like your game =) I compiled it for Beos
with no trouble at all. The joystick stuff works also but not as expected.
I think under beos the button numbers are different. One thing I noticed
was that I had to change some of the defines for the joysticks to get
it to work with the correct buttons (I am using a gamepad pro)
Another thing is if I press up it makes Tux duck down so I think up and
down are reversed. Left and right work just fine.
Cool game, keep up the good work!

Hi Brendan, thanks for the message. I’m glad you like the game.
Unfortunately, I dunno what to say… :slight_smile: So, I’m Cc’ing the SDL mailing

Sam, et. al…

Is this something I should actually worry about? Or is it just a bug
in the BeOS joystick code? I’m assuming that -/+ values would mean the
same for left/right and up/down on different architectures. Is this
a bad assumption?

No, negative x should be left, positive x should be right,
negative y should be up, positive y should be down.

I believe this is correct. I’ll double check a bit later.

See ya!
-Sam Lantinga, Lead Programmer, Loki Entertainment Software