Unwanted side-effects w/ windx5 Alt-F4 support patch (rev 1893)

The WinDX5 driver got patched in rev 1893 (2006-03-08) so that it passes
WM_SYSKEYDOWN/WM_SYSKEYUP to DefWindowProc, evidently, so that Alt-F4 would
send a WM_CLOSE message to the app. There is a problem with this change.
Now, at the very least, the windx5 driver is desynced with the windib driver
because the latter does not do the same, and so no system keys are
processed. Additionally, the change in question only works for Alt-F4 and
does not work for Alt-Space, for example, which should invoke the sysmenu.
IMHO, we should either support all standard window keyboard ops or none.
At the worst, this change has a nasty side-effect in windowed DirectX mode:
pressing and releasing Alt or F10 activates the sysmenu (but does not show
it, you need to hit Down Arrow for the menu to show up), at which point, all
rendering stops and the app appears to hang with no apparent cause. Why the
sysmenu activates on Alt/F10 is actually a mystery to me – Alt and F10 are
supposed to activate the menu bar, but SDL_app class (and created window)
has none.

I, for one, vote to revert this change until a more comprehensive solution
can be found. Even handling Alt-F4 and Alt-Space manually in
wincommon/SDL_sysevents.c:WinMessage() seems more desirable to me.

Please post your thoughts.


IMHO, we should either support all standard window keyboard ops or none.