Updates to SDL_image and SDL_mixer

Hello !

Good :

With the latest Update to SDL_image i don’t need
to add any extra flags. Before that i always had to add

Bad :

With the latest Update to SDL_mixer the detection for the C++
Compiler was removed and so i get an new, delete … undefined message
with CYGWIN ( MinGW Mode ). SMPEG is also installed. One way is to
add -lstdc++ or to use c++ again.


Neither of these are caused by SDL, but are the result of your compiler
environment and/or the packager of your SDL binaries (presumably the
Cygwin developers).On Thu, 2007-07-19 at 09:43 +0200, Torsten Giebl wrote:

Hello !

Good :

With the latest Update to SDL_image i don’t need
to add any extra flags. Before that i always had to add

Bad :

With the latest Update to SDL_mixer the detection for the C++
Compiler was removed and so i get an new, delete … undefined message
with CYGWIN ( MinGW Mode ). SMPEG is also installed. One way is to
add -lstdc++ or to use c++ again.


SDL mailing list
SDL at lists.libsdl.org

Sean Middleditch <@Sean_Middleditch>

Hello !

Neither of these are caused by SDL, but are the result of your compiler
environment and/or the packager of your SDL binaries (presumably the
Cygwin developers).

They are not. I installed libjpeg from the gnuwin32 site
and installed it in /usr/local/…, which is a pretty standard
location. I also changed all the paths in it so that the paths are correct.

I think that the gcc MinGW behaviour not compiling C++ is pretty
standard with gcc. You then have to use g++.


Hello !

Good :

With the latest Update to SDL_image i don’t need
to add any extra flags. Before that i always had to add

Glad to hear.

Bad :

With the latest Update to SDL_mixer the detection for the C++
Compiler was removed and so i get an new, delete … undefined message
with CYGWIN ( MinGW Mode ). SMPEG is also installed. One way is to
add -lstdc++ or to use c++ again.

This should be fixed in subversion. Can you check it out?

-Sam Lantinga, Lead Software Engineer, Blizzard Entertainment

Hello !

Bad :

With the latest Update to SDL_mixer the detection for the C++
Compiler was removed and so i get an new, delete … undefined message
with CYGWIN ( MinGW Mode ). SMPEG is also installed. One way is to
add -lstdc++ or to use c++ again.

This should be fixed in subversion. Can you check it out?

In seven hours or so, just sitting at work.


Hello !

With the latest Update to SDL_mixer the detection for the C++
Compiler was removed and so i get an new, delete … undefined message
with CYGWIN ( MinGW Mode ). SMPEG is also installed. One way is to
add -lstdc++ or to use c++ again.

You changed SDL_image not SDL_mixer :



You changed SDL_image not SDL_mixer :

Whoops! Okay, try now.

See ya,
-Sam Lantinga, Lead Software Engineer, Blizzard Entertainment

Hello !

You changed SDL_image not SDL_mixer :

Whoops! Okay, try now.

This does not fix it. The same error message
with undefined new, delete …


Hello !

I know nothing about Autoconf, but is adding
the Test for the C++ Compiler enough.

I mean don’t you have to say with some rules
or so that instead using gcc it should use g++
for .cpp files ?

In the evening i will test which last version of SDL_mixer
worked. An easier fix would be adding -lstdc++ to the link flags
or the static version, if there is one. Any reason against this solution ?


Hello !

I know nothing about Autoconf, but is adding
the Test for the C++ Compiler enough.

Well, yes, you should use AC_PROG_CXX in the configure script for your
application project, if there is C++ code in it.

I mean don’t you have to say with some rules
or so that instead using gcc it should use g++
for .cpp files ?

I think that is what that macro does, among other things, apart from
checking for the existence of some usable C++ compiler.

In the evening i will test which last version of SDL_mixer
worked. An easier fix would be adding -lstdc++ to the link flags
or the static version, if there is one. Any reason against this
solution ?

You mean when building the SDL_mixer lib…? That would pull in
libstdc++ even for applications not using it. (C applications don’t,
and C++ applications don’t have to, although most do.) It would
probably work, but it just doesn’t seem right…

//David Olofson - Programmer, Composer, Open Source Advocate

.------- http://olofson.net - Games, SDL examples -------.
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| http://audiality.org - Music/audio engine |
| http://eel.olofson.net - Real time scripting |
’-- http://www.reologica.se - Rheology instrumentation --'On Friday 20 July 2007, Torsten Giebl wrote:

Hello !

You mean when building the SDL_mixer lib…? That would pull in
libstdc++ even for applications not using it. (C applications don’t,
and C++ applications don’t have to, although most do.) It would
probably work, but it just doesn’t seem right…

But is there not always going C++ stuff in there,
when you use g++ or when you use stdc++, as it is a .cpp
file with classes.

Another way would be to completely
throw smpeg compilation out of SDL_mixer.

In SMPEG you find something like :

There is no longer explicit support for the SDL_mixer library.

You can have the SDL mixer library mix audio from a movie by hooking into
the SDL mixer music hooks:

The hooks named above would still provide ways
to use SMPEG with SDL_mixer.