A preliminary version of “Super Tux,” a Super Mario Bros. clone starting
Tux the penguin, has been released.
There’s only one (incomplete) level, no music, some missing sound effects,
and only one kind of enemy. There’s also no point yet, but it looks pretty,
and is relatively bug free.
I’m looking for comments and suggestions. If anyone would like to volunteer
to help design graphics and levels, please e-mail me:
bill at newbreedsoftware.com
Super Tux requires the Simple DirectMedia Layer library, as well
as the SDL_image library. The SDL_mixer library is optional, and will
provide sound and (eventually) music support.
William Kendrick writes:
I’m looking for comments and suggestions. If anyone would like to volunteer
to help design graphics and levels, please e-mail me:
I’ve started writing my own Mario clone (in Ada), and have some simple
backgrounds and a few blocks for it. Maybe you could use some of them?
Hi! Thanks for the offer. Ada, eh?? Wow!
William Kendrick <@Bill_Kendrick> writes:
I’m looking for comments and suggestions. If anyone would like to volunteer
to help design graphics and levels, please e-mail me:
I’ve started writing my own Mario clone (in Ada), and have some simple
backgrounds and a few blocks for it. Maybe you could use some of them?
I took a look… Great sky backgrounds!
Unfortunately, I’m sticking to
one layer of graphics (bricks, player, enemies, etc.), so those aren’t
useful. Thanks, though. 
Some of the images are useful to me, at least in giving ideas
(the corner pieces), so thanks! 
Take care! Good luck with your game!