Win32 - How do I get access to the WndProc?

On Windows platform: I am trying to use a third party’s API in order to supply user input in a purchasing system. I need to be able to pass Windows events directly to their API. Their API function expects these parameters: HWND hWnd, UINT Message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam

How can I do this? Is it possible to do using the standard SDL API or would I have to modify SDL to accomplish this?

–Warren Schwader

On Windows platform: I am trying to use a third party’s API in order to supply user input in a purchasing system. I need to be able to pass Windows events directly to their API. Their API function expects these parameters: HWND hWnd, UINT Message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam

If they don’t need to affect the processing of the windows message, you can
use the SDL_syswm.h API to get windows messages that aren’t handled by SDL.
Look for SDL_SysWMmsg there.

Also, if you create a window using the WINDOWID hack and set up a window proc
on it, SDL will respect that and not process input.

If either of these doesn’t meet your needs, you might be able to get SDL’s
WndProc by using the API in SDL_syswm.h to get the window and retrieving the
GWL_WNDPROC property, and process the messages yourself before passing them
to SDL’s window proc function.

See ya,
-Sam Lantinga, Software Engineer, Blizzard Entertainment