Window Centering?

How is one supposed to use SDL_VIDEO_CENETERED in Win32?

I have seen examplesof it using things like putenv and setenv.

But i get “unresolved external” no matter which of these 2 i use._________________________________________________________________
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How is one supposed to use SDL_VIDEO_CENETERED in Win32?
I have seen examplesof it using things like putenv and setenv.
But i get “unresolved external” no matter which of these 2 i use.

I don’t think that there is an “internal” way yet(specifying it within your
SDL program, I mean) for Win32. Please someone correct me if I’m wrong. I do
believe it will be coming up in a near release (SDL 1.3, perhaps?). The only
way I could get it to work was to set an environment variable in the windows
system itself. If you’re on XP, right-click My Computer->properties. Clicked
"Adavanced" tab. At bottom is button - “Evironment variables”. click it-
then click new(either under “user” or “system”, I don’t think it matters,
mine’s under “user”), then give variable name SDL_VIDEO_CENTERED and value
of 1. That’ll do. I don’t know if you need to reboot at this point, but
knowing windows like I do, you probably need to. Other than XP, or if I’m
wrong on any point, someone else help!

Under windows, with vc standard library, putenv() and getenv() should work
try #include <stdlib.h>. They work for the CURRENT process only. And only if
one uses consistently putenv() getenv() (ie: doesn’t try to query
environment without using getenv() )

  • Quoted from msdn :

“That is, these functions operate only on data structures accessible to the
run-time library and not on the environment “segment” created for a process
by the operating system”.

If they are unresolved, try using _putenv() _getenv(), but this should not
be necessary.

The important thing is to have this putenv(“SDL_WINDOWsomething”…) done
BEFORE SDL needs it.

btw, If someone wanted to know :

There are 2 functions in win32 api to set or query an environment variable
for the current process, provided by the win32 kernel :

DWORD GetEnvironmentVariable(
LPTSTR lpBuffer,
DWORD nSize);

BOOL SetEnvironmentVariable(
LPCTSTR lpValue);

Le samedi 1 Janvier 2005 21:59, David Olsen a ?crit?:> > How is one supposed to use SDL_VIDEO_CENETERED in Win32?

I have seen examplesof it using things like putenv and setenv.
But i get “unresolved external” no matter which of these 2 i use.

I don’t think that there is an “internal” way yet(specifying it within
your SDL program, I mean) for Win32. Please someone correct me if I’m
wrong. I do believe it will be coming up in a near release (SDL 1.3,
perhaps?). The only way I could get it to work was to set an environment
variable in the windows system itself. If you’re on XP, right-click My
Computer->properties. Clicked “Adavanced” tab. At bottom is button -
“Evironment variables”. click it- then click new(either under “user” or
"system", I don’t think it matters, mine’s under “user”), then give
variable name SDL_VIDEO_CENTERED and value of 1. That’ll do. I don’t know
if you need to reboot at this point, but knowing windows like I do, you
probably need to. Other than XP, or if I’m wrong on any point, someone
else help!