Window event Enter/Leave backwards?

On at least two versions of SDL, (2.0.4, and 2.0.8) the SDL_WINDOWEVENT_ENTER/LEAVE events seem to be backwards. When my mouse leaves the window, I get the Enter event, and when I move the mouse back over the window I get the Leave event. Is this supposed to be happening?


Might you be able to post some minimal sample code, with which to demonstrate this?

Sorry about not posting a sample, bit busy moving right now. In a nutshell, I have SDL doing a callback, (I believe the normal polling does the same thing as well though), and here is the code boiled down to it’s basics after testing:

int eventcallback( void* data, SDL_Event *event )
      case SDL_QUIT:
        Quit = 1;
            case SDL_WINDOWEVENT_ENTER:
              printf("\nWindow Enter.");
            case SDL_WINDOWEVENT_LEAVE:
              printf("\nWindow Leave.");
  return 0;

Moving the mouse outside of the only window that is created generates a Window Enter event, moving the mouse back over the window generates Window Leave events.

I’ve been a bit busy and have finally gotten around to compiling my program on a Windows system and everything seems to work fine there. The code is mirrored on both systems, except for what’s being linked and the compiler options. It’s hard for me to switch between OSs right now, so I’ll check my Linux system later.