
I’m trying to process arbitrary messages posted to a SDL app.

So far I’ve created a function to filter events:

int FilterEvents(const SDL_Event event) {
printf("%d\n",(const char
return (1);

And enabled the event state and set the filter


The messages I send with the standard SendMessage function get captured in
the app (and printed to the console from above), however I cannot seem to be
able to retrieve the msg and params. Am I going about this the right way?
What should I be getting from even for these values?

Neil Cross

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Hello Neil,

Tuesday, March 14, 2006, 2:41:46 AM, you wrote:

NC> I’m trying to process arbitrary messages posted to a SDL app.

NC> So far I’ve created a function to filter events:

NC> int FilterEvents(const SDL_Event event) {
NC> printf("%d\n",(const char
NC> return (1);
NC> }

NC> And enabled the event state and set the filter

NC> SDL_SetEventFilter(FilterEvents);

NC> The messages I send with the standard SendMessage function get captured in
NC> the app (and printed to the console from above), however I cannot seem to be
NC> able to retrieve the msg and params. Am I going about this the right way?
NC> What should I be getting from even for these values?

That SDL_Event * will really be a SDL_SysWMEvent *

This has a SDL_SysWMmsg * field which on Win32 will point to a struct
containing the HWND, the message as UINT, WPARAM and LPARAM. You’ll
need to include SDL_syswm.h to get it.

So you want something like:

int FilterEvents(const SDL_Event *event)
if (event.type == SDL_SYSWMEVENT)
SDL_SysWMmsg *wmmsg;
wmmsg = event.syswm.msg;

   // Do what you like with the fields of wmmsg here

Best regards,
Peter mailto:@Peter_Mulholland

int FilterEvents(const SDL_Event *event)
if (event.type == SDL_SYSWMEVENT)
SDL_SysWMmsg *wmmsg;
wmmsg = event.syswm.msg;

   // Do what you like with the fields of wmmsg here


Any chance of a new API like this:

int FilterEvents(void *client_data, const SDL_Event *event)


void *mydata;
SDL_SetEventFilterEx(FilterEvents, mydata);

??On Tue, 2006-03-14 at 03:38 +0000, Peter Mulholland wrote:

John Skaller
Async PL, Realtime software consultants
Checkout Felix: