XVideo Refresh Bug

XVideo keeps no copy on the server of the images you post to an
overlay surface. So, when you’re showing a static image (for example in
an image viewer, or a paused movie), the application must redraw the
image on expose events from the X server, otherwise you’ll just get a
blank window.

SDL (correctly) doesn’t keep a copy of the overlay surface you blit,
and it can’t be sure that the last one you gave it hasn’t been modified.
Therefore, I think the correct solution is for SDL to post VIDEOEXPOSE
events when XVideo is being used. This will allow for a correct image
to be blit by the application.

Thoughts? Currently, my video player has to keep blitting images
over-and-over again when I’m showing a still to work around this bug. :frowning:

As an aside, I don’t think the YUVOverlay name is correct. Many cards
have RGB overlay surfaces, and are starting to expose them. Also, I
think XVideo is a great way to allow for cards to expose hardare 2D
scaling under X.–
Billy Biggs bbiggs at dumbterm.net
http://www.billybiggs.com/ wbiggs at uwaterloo.ca
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SDL (correctly) doesn’t keep a copy of the overlay surface you blit,
and it can’t be sure that the last one you gave it hasn’t been modified.
Therefore, I think the correct solution is for SDL to post VIDEOEXPOSE
events when XVideo is being used. This will allow for a correct image
to be blit by the application.

You got it. :slight_smile:
This is now the behavior in the latest CVS.

As an aside, I don’t think the YUVOverlay name is correct. Many cards
have RGB overlay surfaces, and are starting to expose them. Also, I
think XVideo is a great way to allow for cards to expose hardare 2D
scaling under X.

Yep. This will be remedied in SDL 1.3

See ya,
-Sam Lantinga, Software Engineer, Blizzard Entertainment