ZXLIB: new easy to use, 2D game library based on SDL


I’d like to announce my new simple 2D game library, ZXLIB, based on SDL.

ZXLIB is an object-orientated C++ library for writing 2D games of the sort
which used to abound on the ZX Spectrum and its contemporaries, while
taking advantage of the vast increase in memory and graphical ability of
machines today. If like me you grew up with those computers and always
enjoyed the old classics like Manic Miner, Jet Set Willy, and Atic Atac,
the quirkiness of characters like Hungry Horace and Miner Willy, and the
countless variations on the old arcade games like Space Invaders,
Asteroids and the like, and thought it would be even more fun writing your
own similar games on the PC in a modern programming language, then ZXLIB
might well be the library for you :slight_smile:

It features built in classes for:

  • Sprites, Creatures and Monsters
  • Game Arena (basically the screen or window)
  • Simple bitmapped font class
  • The Game itself.

You can find it at http://www.hogweed.org/zxlib/

I’d appreciate feedback on certain aspects of the library (bearing in mind
its target use) - particularly how I’ve tried to handle wrapping
SDL_UpdateRects() into O.O programming (the trickiest part of the whole


I’d appreciate feedback on certain aspects of the library (bearing in mind
its target use) - particularly how I’ve tried to handle wrapping
SDL_UpdateRects() into O.O programming (the trickiest part of the whole

Nice docs, I’ll definitely check it out. One suggestion, though: it
would be nice if the tutorial examples (the chase game) were compilable
directly from ./tutorial/lessonX directories without the library being
properly installed in /usr/local/ first - for those who just want to
check it out, not sure about installation yet. I know, editing
Makefiles to achieve that is trivial, but anyway …

latimeriusOn Tue, Aug 27, 2002 at 11:50:27PM +0100, Nick Whitelegg wrote:

Have you considered posting this to comp.sys.sinclair and possibly the
forums on http://www.remakes.org? You should, you know!


Nice docs, I’ll definitely check it out. One suggestion, though: it
would be nice if the tutorial examples (the chase game) were compilable
directly from ./tutorial/lessonX directories without the library being
properly installed in /usr/local/ first - for those who just want to
check it out, not sure about installation yet. I know, editing
Makefiles to achieve that is trivial, but anyway …



OK - thanks, I’ll probably release an update this week with one or two
oter changes, and alter the Makefiles so that it’s possible for the
headers and library to be in the same directory (as they would be before




Oops - sorry :slight_smile: I meant to send this privately.